
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tips for ice skating???

Any tips on how to ice skate??? I've never ice skated before. I can roller blade though.

Tips for ice skating???
If you are a Rollerblader, I think you'll find Figure Skating rather easy. I'm not going to lie, it is complicating, but if your not afraid to fall (and you will fall a lot), the easier it is. Try not to be tense and panic if you slip because it happens.

I got a few tips for beginners:

1.) Wear a hockey helmet or bike helmit in the beginning, just in case it happens that you fall on you head.

2.) Have an adult or a trained skater to follow you. (Maybe they could have some tips as you skate along)

3.) Skate at the wall holding on to it for the first couple of weeks. Once you think you've got it, slowly push away from the wall and try skating. If you are falling or it just doesn't feel right, BACK TO THE WALL!

4.) Try to feel calm. Think of it as rollerblading.

I wish the best of luck for you! I hope Figure Skating comes as naturally as Rollerblading did. Just follow my tips. :) Good Luck.
Reply:if you can roller blade you can skate ti I'm a skater and the tips are: trust you, have fun, work hard,like it. these are very important i hope i could helped you
Reply:Well iceskating is a lot different than roller blading and harder in different ways. if you have been a former rollerblader you probably can skate but might find elements hard the first time. iceskating is only on a peice on metal just remember..
Reply:if you can roller blade you will find ice skating really easy. HAVE FUN.
Reply:Use the same techniques you use with roller blading.

Ice skating is harder though because Roller blades have thicker wheels and on ice skates, you only have a smaller blade.
Reply:Its similiar to roller blading, but different at the same time. Make sure when u get on the ice you know how to stop. If you don't,, practice!! Also if you are wearing figure skates[not hockey] be aware there is a toepick. Many people who have used hockey skates beofre and not figure skates arent use to a toepick and it makes them fall alot. Be sure to get your skates sharpened every once in a while, maybe once or twice a month. Another thing is make sure your skates fit. If they are too small they will be hard and uncomfortable to skate in. if they are too big wear socks with them so they stay secure to your feet. My final tip is to have fun, don't worry if you're not the greatest skater out there, you'll catch up fast. =][= Hope I helped!!!


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