
Friday, November 6, 2009

I dont know how to ice skate?

I just moved here but I don't know how to ice skate and I'm sick of not joining friends when their inviting me to ice skate does anybody know how to cie skate and give me any tips so I can finally learn?

I dont know how to ice skate?
too hard to i found a website for you:

hope i helped you.



Good luck!
Reply:Depending on your age and where you live: talk to your local figure skating club; join a ringette or hockey team at a 'newcomer' level; go public skating and watch more experienced skaters..try to copy some of their moves; wear a hockey helmet and be prepared for a few bumps; maybe best of all go to the rink and ask.
Reply:That's okay! Nobody's an expert the minute the step on the ice! :) It just takes practice. Maybe hit the rink on your own to practice a little and then join your friends the next time they go.

Just start slow. Take small marching steps until you get more confident. Keep your knees bent and arms out to help you balance. Once you feel a little more comfortable, try pushing with the sides of your blades, like you would in rollerblades, and try to stay off your toes. If you need to stop, bend your knees, keep your arms out and push your feet out to the sides (toes pointed in)....that's a snowplow stop. I'm sure after a little practice, you'll do just fine and be skating with all of your friends! :)
Reply:Have you ever been rollerblading? It's virtually the same thing, I was worried about not knowing how to ice skate my first time around but it turned out to be easy to get the hang off.

IMPORTANT! The ice skates must fit you extremely well, get a tight fit if you have to. It's very hard to ice skate when you have loose skates.
Reply:First of all, you should make sure that your skates are snug on your feet. They should be tight enough that your foot dosen't slip around,but not so tight that they hurt. As for the skating part,try to stand flat on the blades and push. If you let your ankles bend in it will be harder to stand. If you don't feel comfortable doing that yet, you should try staying close to the wall and pushing while you hold on to the wall to help you balence. Don't bend forward!!!! Don't worry you'll get the hang of it! :) good luck!


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