ok. when I was little i was actually a really good ice skater! but then I just stopped because of school and all. now im older and im wondering if I should try it out again? and also,is it true once you learn ice-skating you never forget it? i hear many people say that..
Ice skating..?
Skating is like riding a bike, you don't forget it, but your skating becomes sloppy and takes a lot of practise to clean figures up for a few months if you stay out for a year or more.
Well, you will need new ice skates for one. You've probably outgrown your old skates if you had your own. Ice rink skates are horrible and they rarely sharpen them. The blades are also not good for figures because they don't have much of a toe pick and no rocker. You could rent for a while while you're still getting used to skating and try easy stuff like crossovers, but if you see you're really enjoying it and want to get into classes again, you should think about buying new skates which could cost 200 dollars if they are of a pretty good brand.
Don't expect to be being all wonderful out of nowhere, you're now starting puberty where you will be growing like a tree. With each inch you grow, you have to readjust your skating technique completely to compensate for the added height.
Reply:idk if the whole if u lern ice skating u can never 4 get it thing is true, but i think that if u want 2 try something out again,then u shoold definetley try 2 skate again.but follow ur gut
Reply:I would go ahead and try skating again. If you think it is something that you would enjoy go ahead and begin again! Your muscles do remember the activity so skating will come back to you faster than it took you to learn it.
Reply:Actually, those "people" where totally wrong. Yea i mean duh, ur not gonna forget how to skate on ice. But u totally forget any moves or techinique u learnt like 4 yrs ago
Reply:Yes I think that's pretty true. Of course, as you get older into adulthood it can be harder to do. But for example, I skated a little bit when I was 6 or 7, so I knew the basics of stopping, how to fall, etc. So I took lessons last year and it came back to me quickly! So go ahead and go for it! I also know of someone else who skated when they were younger, came back a few years later, and are a great skater!
Reply:You should try again! At first it will be rough, but it will come back to you. Don't get discouraged. I took lessons and then stopped skating. I started skating and found it rough at first and got back in to the rhythm. Only on problem it was 2-3 years later. I don't know how long it was for you. You should still try.
Reply:of course u should!!!!!!!!!!!! if u have a chance to do something great like that, go for it!!!! when i got the chance for becoming a figure skater, i took it without hesitation!!!!!!!!! figure/ice skating is my life!!!! its my fav sport ever! and i hate it when ever people keep asking about if they should go for ice skating depending about their age!! :( and i hate it when people think their too old to figure skating lessons, or too young! its like they don't have ANY self preservation at all!! :(
Reply:A lot of it does come back. I stopped skating for college and for a little while after wards, but it all pretty much came back. The only thing that makes it harder is that as we get older, we develop more of a sense of fear of trying things. As little kids, we're not as afraid to try things. That's great that you're thinking of coming back. Take it slow at first and gradually work your way up. Good luck!
Reply:If you yearn to skate again, of course you should go back out on the ice again!!
You never forget skating "to a point". You have the experience so you know what to do . . . but when you come back after not skating a long time, it's a matter of getting your body to do what it once did. The body changes over time: weight, height, bone density, etc - and even your thought process. It's not like learning to skate from the bare beginning, but it may take some time to build up to where you left off.
BUT you are still young!! I think you will get back to where you were and probably well beyond. It's easier in your "time frame" than for others who come back much later in life. I know a man who didn't skate for 20 years . . . now I'm talking stopped at age 50 and came back at 70!! Take advantage of your youth and go for it!!
Best of luck when you get back on the ice - wink!
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