Does anyone know where I could find Ice Sktating Lessons for 12 girls? Near Barttlet Illinios plz! I really want to Ice skate so please if you know any place were you can get lessons plz answer this!
Ice Skating Lessons?
Check this site:
There is a listing of rinks in Illinois and hopefully one is close to you! Get the number for your closest rinks and ask them if they offer group lessons programs. Many rinks have group lessons through the USFSA or ISI. The lessons start with very basic skating skills -- forward skating, backward skating, stopping, safety, etc. and even go all the way through basic jumps and spins for figure skating if desired. It's also good for those who want go to into hockey or speedskating as all skating sports use these basic techniques. Another good aspect of the group lessons is kids can try them out and if they don't like skating, there is not as much of as investment as when taking private lessons. If all they want to do is be able to skate fowards and backwards, the first few sets of lessons will be fine for that. Also the group lessons skaters have other aspiring skaters to build friendships with. If it's the USFSA lessons the rink has, the younger kids usually start off in the Snowplow Sam series, which moves at a slower pace for the little ones. The Basic series is 8 levels of exactly that, basic skating, but gearing the skater to go in the direction they want...figure, hockey, speed, etc. After the 8, skaters can go onto Free Skate and more. ISI works the same, just different names for the levels.
My 13-year-old and 9-year-old stepdaughters are currently taking the lessons and really enjoy them. I hope you find some lessons. If calling doesn't work, maybe stop by the rink and ask one of the skating coaches what else is available in your area. Good luck!
Reply:I'm sorry, can't help. Although, I just want to say, have fun! It's great fun; I've been getting lessons for a year. It's so awesome!
Reply:Some of the rinks listed in some of the other lists haven't been ice rinks for a while, and others that are there aren't listed... I only know this because I am in Illinois.
Go to this link:
And enter your zip code...
However, even when I put in my zip it didn't list our home rink and we are fully sanctioned and all so who know... maybe there isn't a definitive list?
This is a link to places in Illinois. Find one that's close to you and check out the site!
Reply:Just try and find a club and then call the coach to ask!
Reply:heres a list of 12 icerinks in Barlett,IL
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