I have an ice skating competition tomorow. And I practiced a lot but I am so nervous that I am litteraly shaking. See I am not nervous becuase of the people watching it's because of the judges and all the presure. And then I go out there and I am freezing and nervous. And then because I am so nervous I fall on my jumps. I have done tons of competitions but I just get really scared. If you are an ice skater or not can you just help me to relax and not make me
so nervous. Help! I am so scared!!!!
Ice skating competition!!!! I am freaking out.?
I think this may get to you too late . . . but hope you had a great skate!
Nervousness is perfectly normal. It's actually a GOOD thing because you need that adrenoline rush to give you that extra kick to get you through the program. Think of it as a positive . . . it's about controlling the nerves and finding a way to make them work for you.
Think positive. You've practiced hard and you know you can do this. Let your muscle memory you through the program and have fun out there. The key is finding a way so you ENJOY yourself out there . . . afterall, you love the sport, right? Show your audience that!
When they call your name, take your time getting to your starting point. I used to do a set of crossovers and wave to the crowd -ha! Then take one deep breath before you start. Close your eyes and convince yourself you CAN do this. Then open your eyes to "showtime". Think in the present . . . think about the move you are doing - not what you just did or what you have to do next. And remember to BREATHE and bend those knees!
Even though you may be nervous, don't let your audience see it. Skate confidently, and look confident! If you fall or make an error, just get up quickly and don't show it in your face or body language .. . . just keep on going like it was no big deal. Sometimes if you can act or pretend, it will convince your body to get in control - because you have to!!!!
Remember all the skaters around you are in the same boat - and all of us have been there (the shakey legs, heart beating in your throat, the out-of-body sensation!).
Good luck with all your competitions!
Reply:the same thing happens to me, just say to your self, if you don't mess up, it'll be a great show, but if you do, it's normal, you wouldn't be human if u didn't make mistakes, just calm down and take deep breaths and go through the steps in ur mind while you wait, i should listen to myself, i can't help it, i always get nervous...lol good luck!! : ]
Reply:well i don't compete but i can absolutely tell how it feels, cuz i've been exact situations like that with the same feeling!! but i do take lessons a lot and my coach idky, but she gives me this vibe that i have to be perfect and can't mess up once! but anyway, you just have to do what you did in your other competitions to saty calm, maybe you can do some massge before the competition, to calm your self and relax yourself better! good luck!
Reply:Just go out there and have fun! If skating wasn't fun, you wouldn't be doing it, right? And if you didn't love skating, you wouldn't be doing it either. Turn your nervousness into excitement -- you are excited to go out there and show everyone how much you LOVE skating. Get excited to show everyone what cool music you picked out, what a fun program you have and the cool dress you have. Showcase the your hard work! Who cares about the judges -- they're technically spectators too! When you're skating, make sure to breathe through your nose, not your mouth -- but be sure to breathe!! I don't when I compete! :) Concentrate on how good you will feel as you step off the ice after skating a great program. Smile and show everyone you're having fun -- get into your music. Sometimes the difference between 1st and 2nd is who presented their program better and felt their music. Have fun -- I've probably missed you before your competition, but I hope you did well. :)
Reply:i always get nervous before ice skating shows ... but i think thats what makes it exicting and it also makes you perform better !!!
... because if you weren't exicted/nervous your performance wouldn't be sooo good
Reply:hey i know you competition is over already. how did you do? but anyway. ive been competing since i was 7 and im 14 now. i just recently started to compete A LOT. and i get really nervous. sometimes to the point where i almost get sick. this is going to sound weird how i coupe, but it works for me. i take tic tacs and i put them in a medicine bottle. so i take them to calm my nerves. it makes me think im taking something, but im not. sounds weird, but i works. at least for me it does. you should try it :D my trainer suggested it. so i guess a bunch of skaters do it too.
Reply:When i skate for competitions, i get so nervous that i could throw up. But i just learned that if you listen to your ipod and rock out to your favorite songs , it makes everything better.
Just rememeber that you have a blast doing it :]
Reply:This happened at my recent competition and ended up getting first place!!! i freak out a lot also and even worse my parents weren't there for 2 (out of 4) of my competitions because they won a trip to new york twice !!but when i get on the ice i realize i am making to much of a deal about it and if i mess up or not i will move on with my life. also i pretend its just me and my coach practicing at a regular public or freestyle session. i forget all about the audience and judges and imagine there are people skating all around me and my nerves surprisingly go away!! just remember that it is just one competition and do your best and if you fall get right back up and don't let it stop u from doing your best. there will be other competitions and I'm pretty sure you will do GREAT in all of them.
Reply:Just close your eyes and relax..... take a deep breath. Dont worry about it, it dosent matter if u win or lose. And be sure to keep warm with a jacket until right before you go on the ice and drink plenty of water.
Reply:calm down, it's ok. when i have basketball games, I get really nervous.. it happens to everyone
Reply:Dont be nervous think of it as doing your program
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