ive never in my life ice skated. im horrible at roller blading so does that mean that i'm probably gonna suck at ice skating too? the thing is i'm going ice skating on Saturday cause its my cousins bday so my question is what are some tips you recomend for a begginer? i really dont want to fall but since its my first time i probably am right? is it that hard??? im super nervous!!!
How hard is ice skating?
Hello!! well, ice skating is not too hard, maybe figure skating is hard (jumps, spins) but if you want to learn it you can.
I see you are nervous becouse of that but you shouldnt=D i see you are going today so take this tips, and only have fun...!!
1st. Lace your skates well, its very important because if you lace them incorrectly you will lose the balance.
http://figureskating.about.com/od/bootsa... and be sure that the skates are not too big or are not too small.
2nd. Start first at the wall, push your self, bend your knees and mantain the balance.
And dont be afraid to fall Good Luck and have FUN!!=D
Reply:i don't think being a not-so-good-rollar skater will affect your ice skating, despite what others say. trust me. everyone is different and you never know until you try! for a beginner, try to stick by the wall is the best i can give ya. stay with friends to make it better. you are probably going to fall, but everyone does! it's not too bad falling, i promise. the first time is pretty bad, but that depends on the fall. falling doesn't hurt as much as it seems it would and the more you practice the less! it is a bit hard but you will make it as long as you want to. please don't be nervous because there really isn't anything to worry! if you aren't too good just laugh about it and think of it as funny. have fun at the party and skating!
Reply:I would have to say that for you to be able not to fall you have to have great balance or you will fall.you can take my advice and stay near the wall for about 8 times around and then win you get used to it you can let go and go towards the middle of the rink,and you will keep getting better.Some ice rinks are hard to skate on but of course some are really easy t skate on in the beginning.So you can take my advice or you don't have to.I hope you have lots of fun and your cousins birthday %26amp; i hope i see you one day in classes even though i do not no you in real life
Reply:Don't worry too much about skating. Make sure you properly lace your skates, and wear good socks. At first I'd suggest just holding onto the wall while skating around until you start to get comfortable. When/if you feel ready to get off of the wall I'd suggest putting your arms out for balance, and then just do a little bit of marching into a glide. Falling is a part of ice skating, it happens to everybody, in fact it's a sign that you are starting to get better (according to my coach). Skating is a little bit challenging, but it takes a lot of practice to get good at it. I really think rollerblading and ice skating are very different, though they do use some of the same muscles. Good luck, and just have fun!
Reply:you probably shouldn't worry so much about falling, because yo can't learn without falling. just have fun with it, and if you fall just get up, laugh it off and keep trying. skating is fun, and is only scary if you make it scary.
have fun at the party:)
Reply:Hey im horrible at roller blading too! Probably worse than you- have you broken both bones in your wrist roller blading? I have. Not fun.
And im a pretty good figure skater! So if your bad at one, you can be good at the other!
Yes you are going to fall. You need to resign yourself to the fact your gonna fall, its going to hurt for a few seconds, but youll be ok!
Yes (I dont wanna scare you but...) it is that hard! Balancing on two little metal rods while attempting to stay upright, yeah its pretty hard. As long as you dont try anything too fancy you should be ok, though!
-Try to rent the white figure skates. They will give you less blisters, and make it a little easier for you! Also, tie them as tight as you can without killing yourself, as they will loosen drastically as you start skating. If your feet are numb, loosen them.
-Center your body a little forwards. If you stand perfectly upright, or back, your gonna fall straight back and bonk your head. Look at any video of someone skating: They bend their knees, and keep their torso forwards.
- Dont lean to far forwards on your BLADE! The spiky thing at the end is a toe pick. If you lean to far forwards your gonna trip on it! This is by far the most common mistake.
- If your gonna wears jeans, please dont wear ones that are like ceranwrapped to your body. Let them be the old loose pair you never wear or something.
-Keep to the sides when you get out there. When you feel more confident, move in a little.
- Bring a jacket, and GLOVES! This way your hands wont sting.
- dont hold on to anyone that cant already skate pro. They will or you will and youll all go down.
- Dont put your hands in your pockets, ever! This is bad, because you wont be able to catch yourself if you fall.
-Try to keep your ankles strong so they dont buckle inwards
- If you fall forwards, pull your head back. If you fall back, pull your head forwards.
Above all, relax! Its not a big deal, people do it all the time and dont die! Have fun.
Reply:No it doesn't mean that you suck it just means you have to practice everybody starts sucky!just push and glide you should probrally hold on to the boards though for support. It's ok if you fall because everydoes!not really but if yuo have the talent or practice alot you will get it!,.......don't be nervous everybody is different.....have fun!
Reply:Let's just say the pro's make it look easy. It's very similar to roller blading, you move your feet in the same motion. Ok this may sound weird but DON'T hold on to the wall. Just go out there and start skating, you will fall but get up and try again. If you hold onto the wall I gaurentee you you'll be holing onto the wall all night.
Reply:Ice skating is kind of hard to get used to, but once you get the feel of the ice, and you can balance, it becomes pretty easy. I would keep a hand on the boards, and if you feel confident, let go and enjoy. You may fall, and if you do, you can get up by pushing off of your knee. Hey, you may even like it and want to start lessons, who knows. Hope That I Helped!!!!! Good Luck!!!!
Reply:i would say that ice skating is pretty simular to rollor blading. i learned how to ice skate when i was little, but i dont think its that hard..you just got to be able to keep ur balance. you willmost likely fall..
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