ok, my friend invited me and some other of our friends to go ice skating, and we have all never done it ever since, exept the person who invited me, and this is my first time, I have never been on the ice! What are some of your experiences, please no roller blading crap. Also, is the same size skate the same size shoe you have? I hope I don't fall, but it's a possibility. HELLLLLLP
Going Ice skating in an hour? ~FIRST TIME~!!!!! HELPPPPPP!!!!?
i've never been on ice! so i always tell my self i'll fall like crazy on my first lessons ao i won't be dissapointed about it! BESIDES it's fun to fall! When i go roller skating i know i'm not gonna be perfect but i go out there and have fun
Reply:Sometimes the best thing to do is just to watch what everyone else is doing. As a first-timer, that is the best way to go. I have been on the ice maybe twice. I held hands with my friend who was a better skater than me. I thought that would help......... it did a little. However, I knew that I would fall over eventually, so I got that over nice and early in the day! Ah, wet! After that I felt a little less shaky. If you are too nervous, just hold on to the side. Spend as much time as you need on the side wall, to get up the nerve to take off. Point your toes of your skate boot downward to stop. Have fun!
Reply:FIRST OF ALL, get the person to help you, dumb butt..... anywayz...... the skates are NORMALLY the shoe size, but expensive ones like Reidels and Jacksons (GAMS too ;)) usually run small but i DOUBT they have those for rent! just ask at the counter haha!-
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