For a first date, I'm going ice skating with this girl. She loves to skate and I've never done it, or tried to do it (I'm 25). I chose this cause she loves to do it, so hopefully she'll have fun...and more fun laughing at the ways I fall on the ice.
So do you have any tips for me on what to do once the first skate hits the ice? I want to try and avoid holding on to the railing at all.
How do you ice skate?
Very poorly with a lot of falling on my hiney...
Reply:Just go slow and use your arms for balance....she will think it's cute if you no worries
Reply:First of all, make sure your skates are on snugly. You don't want to be able to move anything other than your toes. Just don't cut off your circulation. This will help support your ankles while you skate. And by the way, if your ankles are normally weak, it will hurt.
Once your on the ice, to get started, keep both skates on the ice. The front part of the blade is called a toe pick (assuming you'll be wearing figure skates instead of hockey skates). Use that part to get your start and push off. Don't lean too far forward or you'll catch the toe pick while moving and trip. To keep moving, use one skate to push on the ice (keep the skate at an angle to the direction you want to go as the other skate will keep you moving in the right direction). When your foot is behind you, slide it back in next to the skate you didn't move. Your foot will move in almost an oval direction. Repeat with the other foot.
To stop. slide one of your skates behind the other so that they're perpendicular to each other. Slowly put more weight on your back skate. This causes friction and slows you to a stop. If I remember right from when I took lessons as a kid, this is called a T-stop.
Don't be afraid to fall or look awkward on the ice. She's probably find it endearing, particularly if you ask her for help. She'll feel important and likely be compelled to guide you.
Reply:Well if you want to avoid holding onto the rails, your screwed, unless you have been rollerblading. Ice skating is a lot similar to roller blading. My first time I went ice skating, I was pretty good. Don't try to go really fast because that will end up in a tragedy and don't try to suddenly stop, you'll fall over. Wait until your slowing down to stop.
Good luck
Reply:I hold onto the wall and pretend I'm gonna die if I let go.
I'm so friken scared of going now it's ridiculous.
And she might think it's cute if you fall. I've heard it's easy to pick up..I mean you'll be able to do it..=]
Reply:It's gonna hurt your ankles sooooo bad and you're gonna be over it in like 10 minutes.
Reply:First lesson:
The HARDEST thing about skating is the ICE.
Second lesson:
Invite her for hot chocolate at intermission. She will take care of the rest.
Reply:I'm no genius but... i don't think that's something you can learn on the computer.
Reply:Well your first lap round you should hold on to the railing, so you get used to the ice
Here are my tips:
1) Never lean back always lean forwards this counter balances you.
2) To actually skate you need to move each leg forward slowly as you go round, if this doesnt work try shuffling.
3) When you have picked up speed there is no need to keep on skating so you can just lean forward and glide.
4) Direction is fairly easy, just think about where you want to go, and lean to the direction you want and let the ice skates slowly take you.
5) Dont worry if you fall over everyone does it first time.
Good luck ;)
...oh and - wear thick socks, or a couple of pairs of socks as you may get some nasty blisters
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