I am 15 and will be 16 in a month. I am looking for a hobby to do and I thought ice skating may be the thing for me. I am a quick learner and like roller skating and have a background of dancing but I want to do something different. I have never ever skated on ice in my life, so I can't work up the confidence to go to lessons by myself! Am I too old to start and should I start to learn?
Iv never ice skated in my life. Should I get lessons? I really want to!?
nor could i, when!! iwas yr age! i went all on my own and you will be surprised how many friends you will make in the first 10 minsx go try not to be too shy we ALL end up on our butt, same boat ! i made a lot of friends there just by going once a wk, have fun.
Ps start by wearing 2 pairs of socks, and hold on tight to the side and pull your self around. usually the staff will offer to help, good luck.
Reply:Skating right now would not be way too late, though competing probably would. Go for it, but I suggest going for moves in the field, rather than jumps and spins, because people at your age struggle with jumps and spins. You should definetely start with group classes, then switch to private lessons.
Reply:Go ahead and being skating since you feel that it is something that you feel you are interested in. Go ahead and enroll in group lessons at your local rink! Good luck and have fun!
Reply:Go for it! If you can roller skate you have already learned about balance and your dancing experience will help no end.Good luck,enjoy it.
Reply:i'll teach u.........although im not very gud lol
Reply:You sound like me (quick learner, I roller skated as a kid, and I am a dancer at heart). One night of ICE skating changed my life . . . I wanted to "really" learn to skate!! That week I got my own skates and soon enough I started lessons . . . and voila! I learned to skate and can honestly say I'm a figure skater!!!
I got to compete and perform too! I used to like "showing off" in roller skating . . . so I put that "attitude" into my skating. I love expressing myself through dance . . . and I took that to the ice as well. Take what you already know and apply it to your new "hobby" . . . use the confidence you already have!
But the difference between you and me . . . you are almost 16 . . . and I started in my mid 20's!! And now I'm well over double your age! So, yes yes yes, get into ice skating if that's what you really want to do . . . go get some lessons and maybe this new "thing" for you will change your life as it did for me!!
Good luck!
Reply:I think no one is ever to old to start something new. Ice skating is a great opportunity, if you have the money and correct clothing.But i would say go a few times just with friends or family just to get the feel of it then decide weather or not you want to take lessons. Hope this helped
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