I am going ice-skating for the first time tomorrow and want some tips. Luckily i am very good at roller-blading/inline skating and want to know if they r similar and wonder if im gonna have a good time or a hard time.
Thank You greatly appreicated for answers
Ice skating tips?
They are similer enough that you shouldn't have any of the typical getting started problems but there are some differences to keep in mind. The better form and skill you have on inline, the more pronounced the differences are but that skill also helps you recognise and make the changes.
Hockey and figure skates (what the places usually rent) have a rocker. Unless your inline skates are set up for doing dance moves and slalom, the wheels on them will be set flat. The rocker will make them feel like they want to go in random directions. This will let you turn sharper than you probably can on your inlines but it will take some time to get used to.
Ice skates have much less grip than wheels on pavement. This is most noticeable during the push part of your stride. If you have a strong push segment of the stride, you may have to back off a bit.
You use your toe more as part of your stride in ice skating than you do on inlines (assuming that you don't have the bad habit of toe pushing on inlines).
Braking is obviously different.
If you do a T-stop on your inlines, it works well on ice.
Lunge turns are also effective and easier on the ice skates because of the rocker and the reduced grip
Spin stops also can be used on ice.
Reply:well first of all inline skating and roller blading are totaly diff the ice skating. i started ice skating when i was 3 and and i still have trouble roller blading. it not even close to the same. make sure you use hockey skate not figure skates becasue then at least you will have more suport. you will have a good time but it wont come easy for most people. it aslo depends though on what kind of ice you are on. usually frozen lakes are easyer to learn on becasue the ice is a little softer becasue its not as cold but an indoor hockey rink they keep the ice usualy around 2 deg. so it is really hard ice witch makes it nice if you are a good skater but if you are learning it a little harder. well good luck man and have fun.
Reply:I personally don't think that roller blading and ice skating are very similar. There are certain similarities, but overall I consider ice skating fairly different. Use your arms for balance, and try marching on the ice into a glide. You should start to catch onto things fairly quickly. Good luck and have fun!
Reply:I do Inline Skating n it was easy for me to do Ice Skating. As the length of the blade is shorter in Ice Skates, u'll get advantages. Just dont worry and do your best.
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