
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ice Skating Party Oufit?

hey everyone!

okay so heres the question: i'm wondering whats good to wear to a ICE skating party (its for my one of my old friends from elementary school) and she is turning 14. I don't want to be cold or to bundled up.

i am short and skinny, and have a "scene-prep" sort of style... or "punkish" well, thats what i have been told or described as.

idk... shes not really one of my good friends so not many of my good friends will be there, she's kind of well "popular". I want to look good but not like " i want to be you", because i don't want to look like them.

do you know what i mean?

so basically i just need a cute outfit...i'm not gonna go out and buy one so please try to include stuff that could be found in a normal teens closet. links will be helpful! thanks in advance!

Ice Skating Party Oufit?
well i think u should try something like this... a pair of faded-out jeans, the cutest, tightest shirt u have and it doesn't really matter what kind of shoe u wear because u wont need them. oh, put your hair in a high ponytail and wear lots of accesories. i hope i helped, have fun ice skating!
Reply:try something fancy but warm like some thick stockings and a skirt with a top if u want to splurge on ur clothes

have fun with ur old friend =]


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