
Sunday, October 11, 2009

I can ice skate pretty well and even skate backwards, but I can't step over skating backwards, how do you do

that? I'm always afraid I'm going to fall and hit my head on the ice. Also when I skate forwards, I can only step over on my strong side, stepping with the right skate over the left. Meaning, I can really only make left turns. What's up with that?

I can ice skate pretty well and even skate backwards, but I can't step over skating backwards, how do you do
Are you referring to crossovers? Don't worry -- most skaters have one direction that is weaker....I hate left over right crossovers!

Make sure you keep your knees bent, like you're about to sit, and keep your arms out for balance. When you cross, push out to the side and back with your outside foot (the foot you're crossing over). Be sure not to push with your toes; use your edges. After you push, cross your foot over the other and allow your inside foot to cross under. Keep both toes pointed in the direction you're skating. Remember to keep your knees bent! Apply the same for both directions. Practice "walking through" them on a line. Use a hockey line and walk the line sideways, crossing your feet over, then stepping back with feet shoulder width apart. This will help you get the feel of crossing over and the weight transfer.

Watch this cat's forward crossovers -- they're a little exaggerated, but you'll get the idea.

Backwards crossovers are essentially the same idea. Push with your outside foot, cross it over your inside foot and let your inside foot go under.

Here's our friend again with his backward cr'sovers.

Start out doing them slowly and get your technique down, then add speed. Good luck!
Reply:Me too!! I'll be watching for answers to this myself - sorry I can't help!

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