
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is ice skating harder to learn than roller blading?

I can roller blade but have never ice skated and I'm a bit nervous.

Is ice skating harder to learn than roller blading?
There are aspects that are the same and there are some parts that are very different.

Skating: Skating is pretty much the same technique, its a little different so it may take a little while but overall its the same. Once you get the hang of it though ice skating is way easier.

Stopping: This is one of the only parts that are really different. If you stop in rollerblading by dragging your back foot behind you than you can use that well skating. Its not the best technique to use but it works. Another way to stop is to keep your skates parallel from each other and turn them sideways. It stops you suddenly and is the fastest and best way to stop. Another way to stop is called the snowplow. You put your skates in a pizza shape and it slowly slows you down.

Turning: About the same, if you know how to do cross overs on your Rollerblades than it will be way better for you.

And that's about it.
Reply:Ice skating is pretty much the same. You are just on ice. Don't be nervous.
Reply:They are similer enough that you shouldn't have any of the typical getting started problems but there are some differences to keep in mind.

Hockey and figure skates (what the places usually rent) have a rocker. Unless your inline skates are set up for doing dance moves and slalom, the wheels will be set flat. The rocker will make them feel like they want to go in random directions. This will let you turn sharper than you probably can on your inlines but it will take some time to get used to.

You use your toe more as part of your stride in ice skating than you do on inlines (assuming that you don't have the bad habit of toe pushing on inlines).

There is much less grip during the push part of your stride than with inlines. If you have a strong push segment of the stride, you may have to back off a bit.

Braking is obviously different.

If you do a T-stop on your inlines, it works well on ice.

Lunge turns are also effective and easier on the ice skates because of the rocker.

Spin stops also work well on ice.
Reply:Personally I think roller blading and ice skating are very different. I can't Rollerblade, but I can ice skate. You can certainly learn both skills, depending on what you put your time into. I think roller blading can take more leg muscle than ice skating (at least for just stroking around). Good luck!
Reply:ice skating is a tad bit difficult than roller blading. don't worry, ice skating isn't that hard that you need a day at it.although, some of my non-hockey playing friends say that they find it hard to find their balance but that's them. they don't do sports, really. you'll find it as if its like walking.
Reply:it is just a tiny bit harder with ice skating. You are on a thin blade. Roller skating it is i think like 4 wheels.

just be able to hold your slef up ice skating. if you can roller skate then you should do fine.

i can't really Roller skate so lol but iam a figure skater so yea. lmao.

Good luck!!!!

Reply:I personally can't roller blade to save my life haha but i can ice skate. The first time u do it u may fall but i personally don't think it hurts as bad to fall on ice cause its colder. But it's so much fun!!!! I love to iceskate!!! Its the best feeling! Don't be nervous, when u learned to walk u fell a few times and u survived u should be fine on skates.And if ur pretty good at roller blading u should be fine!!!
Reply:I personally think iceskating is easier!! I know how to iceskate, but recently I had to rollerblade for gym, and I was horrible! I was the worst in the class in fact! Don't let the thin blade scare long as you can get the balance and edges right, then you're pretty much set for simple and easy iceskating.
Reply:I would have to say yes it's much harder. I've been skating for a while and I tried a camel and I landed on my cheek. I've bruised my knees and face. but my face didn't really look that bad. It just felt bad. Roller blading with straight blades it's okay with two and two it's kinda difficult when you are use to figure skating. In skating you learn how to do jumps and spins and it's kinda difficult to learn that with roller blades. good luck! o yeah I was nervous too. just relax and don't go to fast until you are ready.

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