tomorrow night im going ice skating wiv school =]...any ideas for a nsuitable outfit not too dressy but 14 (female) brown hair ....hairstyle ideas too?
Suitable outfit for ice skating?
It depends on how cold it is. If you are going ice skating, as opposed to figure skating, for social reasons and not to perform for an audience, anything that is appropriate winter wear for the type of weather you are having should be fine. For example, jeans or jogging pants (fleece or spandex) would work. If you wear spandex pants outside you should have another layer of clothing on your legs underneath. A ski jacket or a fleece jacket would go well. You would have to consult the thermometer or local weather report if you are going skating outdoors. If the rink is indoors you can get away with less warm or bulky apparel. You should also layer your clothing.
*Warm socks are very important. One thick pair of socks usually works best. Warm gloves are advisable as well.
As for you hair, if you want to look cool, you might try a baseball cap or one with a brim. Since skating is a sport, you might want to tie it back if it is long.
I think comfort is the most important consideration.
Spandex pants and a hoodie sounds good if it is indoors. You could bring along a pair of mini gloves bcause your hands could get a bit cool.
-wear jeans
-wear a long scarf
-wear thick socks
-wear layers
-wear sweat pants
It doesn't reallly matter what you do with your hair, unless you can spin and jump (then put it up)
Reply:It's stick with some cute stretch pants....and a cute sweater or sweatshirt with a long sleeved shirt under it. If you wear jeans, you're not as flexible and if they get wet, they don't dry as quickly. Indoor ice rinks usually are kept at about 55 degrees. You could take a jacket too just in case. Don't forget gloves or mittens! I always wear my hair up for skating, usually in a pony tail with a head band or a cute bun or up-do. Most importantly, have fun!
Reply:i think you should just wear blue jeans and and nice sweatshirt and wear your hair down and pulled back a little
Reply:I will suggest to wear sporty pants, not jeans, but its only a suggestion =) and for hairstyles i recommend pony tails=)... and wear a cute t-shirt.
Good luck!
Reply:Try black yoga pants and a warm sweater. It can get pretty cold if you are just skating around. Jeans can get in your way, so yoga pants would be your best bet. Also, make sure your hair is off your face. :) Have fun!
accessories belts
Best socks for sweaty feet