MY husband recently got hurt while ice skating On Dec 31,2006...He fell on his face cut his chin and broked his wraist..Just today he had a surgery due to the serve bone fracture he had..Friends and family memebers keep on encourageing us to sue ,but who...I or should we say never had any problems with anyone in our lives and this is a first time we are encouraged to sue..I mean do we really have a case..CAn we really got something from the ice skatng rink due to my husband's fall? He now has to stay 10 days away from work and thats really gonna hurt us,its bad enough we r barely making now he has to stop working at all???? Please anyone give me any advices and should I really start doing something..(cause honselty I am really shy to call any lawyers ,cause I dont even know what to say or how to start)..THANK YOU for your time !!!!
Okay, yeah, you can sue. If a person can sue McDonald's because they were lame enough to spill coffee in their lap and it burned them and they actually won, then you can sue for anything. But, hey, with this, you would have to prove that the rink did something faulty. Was the ice damaged? Prove it. Was there something on the ice that caused your husband to fall? Prove it. Was there something wrong with the skates he rented? Prove it. Just accept that your husband was just a plain ol' klutz. This world has gone litigation crazy and everyone wants to sue everyone. Trust me, you will lose more than you will win, no matter how much you win. People have grown so vengeful and hateful. Ignore your friends and family (who, btw, only want you to sue because they think some of the winnings may trickle on down to them...!) and just move on.
Reply:Of all the frig gen excuses to sue somebody this takes the cake .Tell me what is worse than deliberately gliding along on ice and then when you are too incompetent to stay on your wobbly feet and fall flat on your face you want to blame the ice .
Get real. My husband NEVER went with us for that very reason because he knew if he would fall and break a leg , we would be *** out of luck . Learn your lesson , pass it on to your kids to be responsible for your actions . His bones will heal and some day you look back on this and chuckle . Trust me .
Reply:im sure you could but it was his choice so why THE HELL would you i mean its his fault for falling on his damn face(no offense) but its ice, ohh and umm all lawers no you wont win the case so just forget it, sorry-that really does suck
Reply:I swear, only in America are people this sue-happy...
Was the fall due to something faulty at the rink, or is your husband just not a very good skater? Unless you have solid proof and evidence that the rink was at fault, you have no case. What did the two of you expect, a professional ice skater to babysit him so he wouldn't get hurt?
Accidents happen. That's why they're called ACCIDENTS.
Reply:Little short on money???? Need some from a lawsuit????Grow up and accept the risk for having fun. If you're gonna play, you're gonna pay.
Reply:find out who their insurance company is, and make a claim with that company. You don't need a lawyer to request that all your bills be paid. I doubt you'll get any extra moolah, because the rink was not negligent; however, they should have what is called "medical payments" on their insurance policy that would cover any copays, or any other expenses that you have up to $5,000 or $10,000.
Reply:What are you sueing? The ice? Because the owner, manager, and paid employees sure didn't have an agenda with your husband's name on it with the words "Inflict Pain" next to it. It's nobody's fault, in reality. He slipped and fell. It happens all the time, and even Olympic gold medalists fall here and there. Do they sue the ski manufacture? Or the broadcasting company for exposure? Your husband is in professional health care, so i'm sure he'll be fine. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Just let it go. It can be over when you want it to be.
Reply:In Tort Law, there is a concept known as "assumption of risk" which means that when you engage in an activity, you assume the risk of certain negative outcomes that may occur. The only way you have a chance is if you can prove the ice skating rink was negligent in some way in maintaining its facility (i.e. poor lighting, failure to keep the ice clean, etc. etc)
A lawyer would have to know exactly how your husband fell. If you, by chance, found a similar history with this particular ice skating rink, you may have a chance
This what keeps people from suing the makers of a football if they get hurt playing touch football. You assume the risk when you engage in the activity.
Reply:Sure you can sue, but who's fault was it that he fell? Can you prove that the skating was at fault for your husband falling? If you go ahead and get a lawyer she will get a large percentage of of any money you do win.
Reply:If everyone who fell down while ice skating (which is sort of PART of ice skating), ice skating rinks wouldn't be able to afford to stay open. They'd shut down and then no ice skating for you or your kids.
No offense, but it sounds like the people in your family aren't very good people. Didn't they try to teach you anything about being a good person and acting virtuous and in general being better than some self-centred conniving scum who will sue the moment they think they can get their grubby hands on free money?
Maybe if they had taught you some virtues, you'd be less shy and more capable of being a complete person.
People fall on hard times, and usually they don't have a way to get the money they need. You ARE in need of money, especially for the time lost, but if you didn't have anyone to blame for his injury, where would this money come from? Now you're hoping that a lawyer can squeeze compensation from the ice skating rink, even though they really aren't at fault and you know it. When you skate, you risk falling down, end of story. A good person would just do their honest best to get by, and not resort to suing.
Can you think of anyone you admire who would sue, even if they really desperately needed the money and the other party was clearly at fault?
Reply:Ask yourself this question, How is the rink liable for your hbusband's clumbsy fall? Was there malicious intent on the part of the rink ro deliberately injure your husband? In order to win a lawsuit you must first prove intent and negligence. If you can't... no case!!!
Reply:No, it was an accident. I am sure some money hungry lawyer would take your case, but it was an accident.
Reply:Yours sounds like it would be a frivolous law suit, thus it would be kicked out of court and you'd have to pay all the court costs. The only way you could sue the ice-skating rink is if the accident or fall was a result of some neglicence on the part of the ice-skating rink. Keep in mind that you'd have to get people who witnessed the negligence and the fall.
Reply:It was your fault. You would'nt win
Reply:I sincerely doubt if you could sue. Skating is a voluntary thing and no-one forced your husband to skate - maybe he should avoid skating in the future.
Reply:These days people sue for anything. Whether you win or not is another story. I am not a lawyer but if the rink was negligent somehow, you may have a case. However, there are risks involved in ice skating itself, the rink probably has warnings posted somewhere. If it was due to their negligence, yes, if it was your husband's inexperience or something else not associated with the rink, I would say no. I am sure an attorney on here could tell you better than I could.
Reply:It depends; were you in a skating rink, or on a private pond? Were you supposed to be there or were you there illegally. You have to ask YOURSELVES a lot of questions, because, believe me, a lawsuit doesn't mean free money. Believe me, they will be asking a lot of questions, and people need to take responsibilty for their own actions.
Reply:What did the ice skating rink do to cause this accident. Your husband was the only one involved. You really have no one to sue. You can try and you might even find a attorny. But in my opion you have no case...
Reply:If the rink has a notice of not responsible for accidents it's your problem. If you signed a release before skating. It's still on you. You house insurance may cover his injuries. It depends on what your policy covers. Many attorneys won't even consider a case like yours. Their are attorneys that will also. However after attorneys fees etc. you may end up with less than you started with. You may get a settlement but attorney fees may absorb all you get plus you still owe the attorney for services in the end.
Reply:I doubt it. Most skating rinks and places like that make you sign a waiver. Even if you could, why would you? You knew there was the risk of falling, IT'S ICE!!!!! It is people like you that sue for any reason that are the cause of so many problems in this country.
Reply:Sounds like the American thing to do. I can't believe it. I can't see you realistically suing for an accident. Ice is supposed to be slippery! Coffee supposed to be hot!
I'm sure if you look, they'll have signs around saying that you skate at your own risk, and they are not responsible for you if you have an accident.
Ice wouldn't be very much fun if it wasn't slippery. Hope he has a quick recovery.
Reply:COME ON. It was an accident. No offense, but it would be really LOW to sue over an ice skating fall. Seriously people.
Reply:No, only if there was something on the rink that he tripped over or slipped. You will never have a case for this. It was his own fault not to sound mean.
Reply:If there is a sign posted like "skate at your own risk" or "we are not responsible for any injuries, etc.", you likely do not have a case. I'm sorry your husband suffered injury, but ice skating is not exactly the safest activity to engage in, especially if he is not used to being on skates. He assumes a reasonable amount of risk when going on the ice. Plus it's not really worth any attorney's time to deal with your case; they've usually got bigger fish to fry. Do you really think if you sue and you are successful you and hubby will be awarded a huge settlement (before fees and such)? We've already have enough people overloading the system with lawsuits (frivolous or not); don't add to the problem. Just get through this chapter in your lives and move on.
Reply:no you should not sue because you will lose the case. he fell because he fell ON HIS OWN....unless there was something wrong at the rink and there was a hazard that was not posted, you don't have a case. When you go on to the rink - it's at your own risk....if you fall while skating on their rink...that's not their fault.....
Reply:was there a sign SKATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Reply:If something or someone caused his fall. I mean blatantly caused it: someone tripped him, wall had a ledge that tripped him. Then YES. If he just slipped then NO. Accidents happen and I realize that the accident will end up costing you money in lost wages etc. and doctor bills but no judge will give you someone Else's money unless some one is at fault for his accident. Lawyers are really expensive and I am sure a lawyer would try to win a case for you but lawyers get paid whether you win or lose.
Reply:Get a life, you go ice skating you expect to fall - just watch ice hockey.
Now if the owners of the ice skating rink, dragged your husband in of the streets and forced ice skates on him, then pushed him on to the the icem whilst he complained bitterly then you could sue.
Or if it was your idea, and he did not really want to go, then maybe he could sue you.
Reply:There are attorneys out there that I'm sure would give you a free consultation.
Reply:Only in America.....however, no doubt they will pay some damages for lost wages etc....call a personal injury lawer, they usually will give you aconsult free..
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