Im going for indoor ice skating tomorrow.
Any tips for beginners?
What should i wear?
1st time going for ice skating?
Until you get use to the feeling of the ice stay by the wall and practice moving on it. Slowly take yourself away from the wall when you feel ready. Don't try going backwards or doing fancy things that you may see other people doing. Just focus on gliding forward keeping your body up and arms out. When you get better and well balance you won't have to get your arms out.
-long pants that are stretchy and comfertable
-a long sleeve shirt
-a sweatshirt that you can take off if you get to hot
Reply:winter clothes and make sure u tie the skates tight
Reply:It's not as hard as it looks, as long as you don't try to do anything fancy.
you'll probaly fall a few times, but it's nothing that bad.
wear something warm, and make sure your skates fit right.
Reply:I would have to say the first couple of times stay by the wall and then you should try to get closer to the middle and don't try to fall if you fall then just get right back up and try again.i would wear some pants,two jackets,2 shirts,beanie,gloves, and you are set to go.
not jeans
Reply:stay close to the wall
don't make a big deal if you fall, maybe someone didnt see
were long sleeve clothing
Stay onto the side
Tie your skates proper and tight
Skate with friends/family if possible.
Don't be unconfident because if you think you can't do it you fall alot also at first if you want to get off the side take small steps
But just glide =]
Jumper,Coat,Tracksuit bottoms/jogging bottoms
Reply:wear layers so when you fall youll have padding and take it slow dont get frustrated
Reply:I figure skate several times every week and my biggest tip for you is to not wear jeans. Where some stretchy sweatpants to keep you warm and not affect your flexibility. Trust me. Gloves are a must, as well as a sweatshirt or fleece. Don't worry about looking like a beginner, because chances are that the other skaters out there are first-timers as well.
Reply:Wear something warm and comftorble. Not like what you would wear every day. Like you should wear sweatpants or something and a jacket. Don't fall.... lol ♥
Reply:Plenty of padding and skates that are comfortable with good ankle support.
Reply:long sleeve shirt
jeans... or maybe thick pants... it is cold there so wear gloves... and high socks if you dont have them you can surely borrow them there
it is cold but you sweat bcoz ice skating is exhausting
Reply:try not to fall lol
Reply:hii☺ you can wear pants and a long sleeved shirt or jacket.. okay the first thing and most important advice that i give to begginers: "Dont be afraid of falling" thik of it.. if you fall you will find out that... ¡Nothing happened if you fall! The biggest injury that a begginer can have is a little bit of pain for 5 sec xD. And other tips.. well, mantain balance, glide, bend your knees:D. Good Luck and hope it helps...
Reply:Wear pants and a long sleeved shirt definently. But don't bundle up too much or you won't be able to move : ) also, when you get on the rink, stay around the edge until you get the hang of it then venture a little closer to the middle.
Reply:Don't be silly and wear a skirt if you're a girl or shorts if you're a guy. Guys generally wear hockey skates while girls go for the figure skates. I would recommend that guys wear figure skates, simply because figure skates have a pick to prevent you from embarassing yourself by falling flat on your face.
For tips:
Don't let your ankles bend inward.
Don't hang onto the boards, you'll just look silly.
Don't hold hands with anyone until you or the person youre holding onto is comfortable skating, otherwise if you fall you'll take him or her down with you!
accessories belts
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