I want to do Ice skating at home on the floor. Maybe I can wear some slipy socks so I can kind of dance on the flooor so it would be slipy and I can skate
Anyone have any ideas for home ice skating?
I want to do ice skating at home, can anyone help?
Not really ice, right? Put on really thick bedsocks (woollen ones, prefably) clear a lot of space and push off! My sisters and I used to do that, but we had a really long room so we took a run up and then slid from one end of the room to the other, occasionally banging into bookshelves on the way.
Have fun ice skating!
Reply:Don't forget your hockey stick.
Reply:i think the real thing is gonna be a lot harder than wearing slippy socks and sliding around on the floor
go to your nearest ice skating rink
Reply:lol this is sooo funny! whilst you can easily get a slippery effect (socks, detergent on floor etc.) it definetely won't give you the same effect as ice skating. I was going to suggest that you get one of those outdoor slippery kids mats that are meant to be like water slides, cover it with detergent and then slide down, but come to think of it, how shameful would it be to do this outside where the world could see you? Anyways, be careful not to stack it when you dance and have lots of fun!
Reply:Sure if you live in the upper northern hemishpere and it gets below freezing. Plug your sinks drain and turn on you faucets, turn off your furnace and open all your windows.
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